18 December 2013

25 Questions To Ask Yourself Before 2014: Part Three

 You guessed it. Part threeee ♥

21. Who do I need to forgive? (feel free to be vague in your actual post answer) Hmmm. This one is tricky. There is only one person that I think I should forgive for the sake of my own life and my own heart, but technically, I already did. Well I wouldn't say I forgave him exactly. I would say I got over it. They will never have my forgiveness because it's not possible, but I am happy that they found their happiness. That to me, me being happy for them and wishing them nothing but the best, is better than any little bit of forgiveness.
22. Where is it time to let go? When you know that you deserve better. Whether it's from someone or something. 

23. What old habits would I like to release? Being so emotional all the time. Sometimes I can be a boss and control them. Other times I'm just a wreck. 

24. What new habits would I like to cultivate? Being more into school. Being more organized and responsible. Just trying harder at life in general and not being so lazy all the time (:
25. How can I be kind to myself? I need to learn hot to focus more on myself & less on everyone else. I want to find what I am passionate about and stick to it. I need to learn when to let go and move on. I need to focus on what I deserve and not what I think I deserve. I want to be more positive and happy with myself and my outcomes. I want 2014 to be my year! 

25 Questions To Ask Yourself Before 2014: Part Two

Yuhp, onto part number two.

11. When did I feel most creatively inspired? Right after I broke up with my ex boyfriend. I splurged a little on myself and bought myself a brand spanking new camera. I really wanted to take a wack at photography but it was short lived. I haven't been motivated much since but, in 2014. I am going to give my photography business a go and really dive in it. 
12. What projects have I completed? Am I boring if I say none? ):

13. How have I procrastinated? I've been slacking in school. I know, I know. WTF Yesenia. Do good in school. Try harder. Nothing I haven't told myself before -.-

14. In what ways can I re-structure my time? This goes with #13. School. I have to make school a priority. Just like I made going to the gym a number one thing in my life, I need to put school up there. I also need to focus less on my love life and my "guy complications", and more on what I'm trying to live by. Go with the flow babe. Go with the flow & take it slow!

15. How have I allowed fear of failure to hold me back? The love department. I was hurt really bad early on this year by someone who I never expected to hurt me, but I got back on the ride of love and boom got hurt again. Oh and what do you know, I jumped right back in it, because I'm a tough bitch like that and guess what. Got hurt again. Mind you this last time wasn't much of a hurt, but more of like a confusion. Anyways, I guess it's more the fear of getting hurt again that's making my love life so complicated. I guess the fear that's really affecting me is someone elses fears of opening up to love again, but that's a whole other topic.

16. Where has self-doubt taken over? That heartbreak really screwed me up. All the little heart jabs after didn't help much either. My self-doubt became more towards myself. Am I not good enough? What did I do wrong? Why does everyone have somebody but me? (Yuhp. Back to the love stuff)

17. When have I felt the most alive? Summer. I was going out and just having fun.

18. How have I taught others to respect me? By showing everyone how independent I am. That is all.

19. How can I improve my relationships? Go with the flow. (: 

20. Have I been unfair to anyone? No. Things happen for a reason. If I ever treated you bad it is because I got treated that way by you in the first place. What goes around eventually comes around.

25 Question To Ask Yourself Before 2014: Part One

I know I am super late and far behind on this. I haven't done a link up in ages & I thought this would be a fun way to reflect on this past year. ♥ This year has been one big crazy hell of a roller coaster ride. Way to many ups and downs. More downs than ups so be it, but I honestly would not change the way it has turned out. The way I see it, is that everything happens for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, it was meant for me. 

1. What am I most proud of this year? The one main thing I am proud of this year is how independent I have become. When I was with my ex boyfriend, I depended on him for everything. I was to afraid to take the bull(s) by the horns and accomplish things on my own. He did everything for me. After we broke up, I learned that I don't need but myself and that I am a lot stronger than I gave myself credit for.

2. How can I become a better _____________? Person. I know this is cliche, but I have always prided myself in being a good person. Yes, I am a good person, but looking back I start to wonder how good of a person I really am. There is so much more that I can offer this world, and so much more I can do to be a better person.

3. Where am I feeling stuck? Stuck is an understatement at this point. As stated before,  this year hasn't been my best. I feel stuck in many different departments. The love department ): The school department, the work, photography, life in general department. 

4. Where do I need to allow myself grace? Not letting my brain or my heart over take my body. I need to find a balance! Most of the time my brain goes one way and my heart goes the complete opposite. 

5. Am I passionate about my career? Nope. Right now I'm just an Administrative Assistant. It's a boring job and not the least bit what I wanted to do. Then again, I still have no clue what I want my career to be.

6. What lessons have I learned? Go with the flow. Simple but understated. Life is to short to be stressed or stressing about everything. Take one day at a time. Now, I'm not saying I've mastered it. Oh no. Not even close. I am working on it though. 

7. What did my finances look like? Paycheck to Paycheck. I went from having enough money to save, to not even being able to save a dime. That's what becoming a single girl does to you. I have managed to keep a budget. I may or may not always stick to it (:

8. How did I spend my free time? Drinking. Partying. Hanging out with my girls. Falling in and out of relationships. You know, the normal 20 something year old stuff.

9. How well did I take care of my body, mind, and soul? Body? At the beginning of the year I wasn't doing so well. I ate anything and everything that had sugar and I never did exercise. Now, I basically live at the gym. I don't miss a day. Mind? It's there. I'm learning how to not over think to much. It's a process. Soul? Still trying to figure that out. The year isn't over yet.
10. How have I been open-minded? I am not negative Nancy anymore. I have a more positive outlook on life.

16 December 2013

A very much needed overdue Update!

Where do I begin?! 

It's been about four long months since I have been to blogland. My life has just been one crazy hectic emotional ride lately. I have so much to talk about, and when I finally do decide to come on here and write all my non important jumble, I get over whelmed and give up. But not today! I am sticking through it. I am really rusty so bare with me people. 

Last time I came on here, I complained about boys. That hasn't changed much. If only it has gotten that much more puzzling. There is this boy, and all I am going to say is It's complicated and I have fallen hard for him. Taking it one day at a time I guess. I'll give you a full update on that when I finally figure out what that is exactly -.- Why must the opposite sex be such a mystery?! Anyways, I guess I'll show you a picture because it's only fair. Plus my body looks amazing!

What else?! hmmm. Oh I started the gym. I lost 10 pounds. I am stuck at 110 now though. Trying to lose the other 10 pounds (yes I want to weigh 100 lbs) is going to be close to impossible, but I love me a challenge (; Oh also I have become a gym selfie whore. But then again who isn't!!

...... & now I've drawn a blank. -.- I think I may be the worst blogger ever. Hey, I said bare with me. I miss blogging so much but I'm not very motivated. Not just blogging though. In fact, lately it's been with everything. I need to find a passion. I should start taking my photography to the next level. I don't know.. Maybe I'll do that. I'm figuring out myself one day at a time. I promise I'll try my hardest not to disappear again, and to have something so much better to engage you in next time. 

In the meantime, if you're really interested in following my boring life, I am always on instagram and twitter so go check me out there. @theyesidiaries

Happy Holidays everyone ♥

22 August 2013

No Dude Action

The last couple weekends have been the same as always. PartyPartyParty, DrinkDrinkDrink, FunFunFun. After so many weekends of this it tends to get repetitive. Don't get me wrong I always have a blast and everynight is just as fun as the last, but there is just one little issue. Inevergethitonbyguys. At first I blamed it on the fact that most of my friends are guys so I'm always surrounded by them & I have come to the conclusion that this generation of "men" will not go up to a girl if they are surrounded by other dudes. Weird logic but absolutely true. Then I started to think it was me. (Maybe I'm to short, fat, not hot enough)... After I stopped drinking so much came to my senses , I knew that possibly couldn't be true, so I'm sticking back to it being the "surrounded by guy friends" theory. Anyways, point is that I am now at my loneliest point in my single hood & not a lot of guys are hunting down some of this good ol' action & it's starting to piss me offffff. In the end though, I always come to the conclusion that I definitely should stop forcing about it, caring about it so much, & just let it happen. Thus starting back at one -.-

Now don't get me wrong, there is that occasional brave loser who will come up to me and ask for my digits, or try to be Mr. Smooth guy... but that's just it. LOSERS. What ever happened to a nice, smart, non loser, good looking guy? Why they gotta be all Lsquared?! Ain't nobody got time for that.

Since I've been single there have been the on and off crushes & the "Hey, who is that?!" But none of them work out. It usually plays out like this, We start talking & they go back to their ex, We start talking & we stop talking, Finally meet him and he turns out to not even be of legal drinking age, or Finally breaks up with his girlfriend but isn't ready for anything. These may or may not be true stories...

In the end, I am content and I am happy with my life at this very moment. I believe that the choices and decisions I have made have led me to where I am exactly suppose to be. I don't need a man to define my purpose in life or anything like that. (I believe that is exactly the same thing a lonely single girl would say. Thank god I am not one of them. Right? -.- ) In all honesty, I really don't want a boyfriend right now. I don't believe I am ready for that type of commitment just yet. Plus I am having to much fun anyways... but a little dude action would be nice every now and then -.-

yuhp, I just went there.

16 August 2013

That time I skipped Work...

I know, I know… Yesenia what were you thinking. You naughty, bad girl. ( & yes I am imagining a super hot country boy tell me that). How can you lie and why would you skip work and possibly jeopardize getting fired. Well, relax. I wasn’t jeopardizing anything and I didn’t get fired. I am so beyond happy that I did it. Besides being away from your job outside in the beautiful sun, is so much better than being at your job stuck inside a gloomy stuffy grey old office. Am I right?! I thought so. I’ve wanted a day off for months. I just randomly decided that Wednesday was going to be that day.  I woke up at 7 am, called my boss and called in sick. Yay. The End. Just Kidding…
It was such a beautiful day outside. I wasn’t going to stay home and be a couch potato. I wanted to be productive. So I took my happy ass and my sister to be lazy productive at the beach. Usually when I go with my sisters we have an all out photo shoot, and that’s exactly what happened.

We were half way in the middle of this so called photo shoot when I got a text from my friend saying to pass by his job and go on his boat since we were close by. Did I mention this friend is a scuba diver instructor and I may have a teeny tiny crush on him. Just teeny.  Anyways, usually I’m not the type to just go and be impulsive, especially when it’s around a guy I think is cute… but he invited, he is cute, and we were going on a boat. 

Miami Skyline from the boat.
Once we got on the boat we rode out to a ship wreck miles out of Key Biscayne. What a sight to see. It was absolutely beautiful. Turns out that we weren’t just on the boat to watch other people scuba dive but we were going snorkeling. It was amazing.  We saw so many jelly fish. Apparently it’s jelly fish season. It was also really cool watching my friend in action and what he did at his job. He seems pretty fearless and that’s pretty cute haha. 

My friend at work..
I can’t believe I picked the perfect day to skip work. Who would have thought that I would have been snorkeling in blue water miles out of Miami instead of being stuck filing paperwork and dealing with customers? I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better day. I’m planning my next skip day very soon. 

Ohh & if you are ever in Miami and want to Scuba Dive or Snorkel, check out Aquatic Explorers! ♥

07 August 2013

Bonnie the American Bulldog

If you know me well, you would know that I have been wanting an American Bulldog for the last three years. Some of the main reasons that I haven't gotten one yet is because..

1) My mother doesn't want a big dog around the house. 
2) I haven't found a breeder well enough to trust. 
3) They are a bit pricey. 

But I have amazeball news! My uncle just bought an American bulldog puppy, and once he breeds her... I GET FIRST PICK OF THE LITTER! I am so flippin' excited! Sadly, she won't be breeding for another year or two, but this gives me more than enough time to 

1) Convince my mother or Move out into my own place. 
2) I already found the perfect breeder so this one doesn't count. 
3) Save more than enough money to purchase it and all the stuff I need. 

Wait till you see this puppy! Obsessed is not a proper word to use from how much I am in love with this dog and I just can not wait until I can get one to call my own!!!!!!!

12 July 2013

My First Tattoo!!!

I am officially proud to say that I finally crossed something on my Singles bucket list!! 
Ok, to be honest I haven't checked it in forever so I do not really remember what is on this said list, but I do know that getting a tattoo was one of them, and BAMN! I did that. I am so proud of myself. I stopped being such a big baby, put my big girl panties on and went and got my first tattoo! 

I got a Cross. I wanted to get a cross for a while now, but I had changed my mind of where exactly I wanted it to go. For a good week I was dead set on it being on my wrist, but then I did some tattoo research and really liked how a cross would look on your upper back. 

My best friend Amanda, got a tattoo also! She got an anchor. It is truly such a cute tattoo.  She already has 3 other previous tattoos, so this one is now her fourth. It's so special to us though because we went & we did them together! They're not matching, but the fact that she was there for my first one means a lot! 

The tattoo I really wanted to get is an actual Koi. I wanted to get it on my lower right back more towards the ribs, but I wanted a smaller tattoo first to see how it felt. 
& to my surprise It didn't hurt all that bad. As weird and creepy as this sounds, I kind of liked the pain. It's true what they say, once you get one, you're going to go back for more. I'm already itching for the second one!!!! 

Best Friends who get tatted together stay together ♥ Love you Baby!

Happy Friday everyone ♥

Ohhh, Dear Friday, Thank you for coming so soon! // Dear boys who never write back to my texts, wtf?! // Dear Amanda, Thank you for coming with me & getting tats together! // Dear Alicia from This is the Sweeet Life, I am so happy that we finally came in contact again. I missed you so much! // Dear anything else I missed out, Love you (:

02 July 2013

Instagram Update ♥

My life has been a combustion of crazy lately. Totally in a good way though. I'm super happy & things can not be any greater. This leads me to my excuses of my disappearances! I am always so busy going out and drinking having fun that I never have any time to update you on what I am actually doing! You can keep updated by following me on Instagram (: @TheYesiDiaries ♥
Anyways, let me just share some of the fun things I have been up to! 

Went to Disney with my sisters ♥

Took lots of selfie shots! -.-

Celebrated my best friends 21st Birthday ♥

Got Shin Splints ):

Went to a new bar in town called Shots, where literally all they have are shots!!! amazingggg.

Bought a Bike ♥

 Had drunk Twister night with my girls ♥

Went to a night Club and got to see Bird Man ♥.♥

Went trail riding at 1:00 in the Morning ((:

I have done so many other things, but I will save them for later.
Don't want to give you an over load!

Ohh & before I forget, I am still taking Co-hosts for the giveaway! It is completely free. If you are interested please email me before Friday, July 5.

Have an amazing week everyone ♥